
“Hungry for Sounds” is a music show hosted by a Polish DJ duo consisting of Piotr Piwko and Łukasz Sokalski, who live in Wrocław

The Polish duo serves up the most interesting selection of tracks across various electronic music genres, including house, afrohouse, funky, chillout, progressive, melodic techno, and trance.

The first hour of the show is primarily dedicated to those who appreciate ambient and downtempo music.

The tracks often have a calm atmosphere, making them ideal for relaxation, work, or meditation. If you enjoy electronic music with elements of chillout and ambient, then the music played by Piotr is for you.

The second hour of the show is mainly devoted to trance music and the Trance Main Floor genre. The sounds of tracks played by Łukasz combine elements of subgenres such as vocal trance, uplifting, tech-trance, and progressive. These are often energetic tracks produced by well-known and popular artists, which regularly heat up club dance floors.

This explosive combination, along with a coherent musical concept, guarantees an unforgettable journey through unique and atmospheric corners of human emotions.

You can listen to “Hungry for Sounds” live every Monday from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
We also invite you to listen to archived, previous shows, which are available in the “Podcasts” tab and on our YouTube channel.